As your Miramar Beach childrens dentist, our priority is the health of your children – both now and in the future. We want your children to maintain strong and healthy teeth as they age. While this involves regular trips to our dental office, it also involves taking steps for preventative care at home. When you come into our office, we will show you how to properly brush and floss your childs teeth, discuss foods that are healthy to eat and also discuss things that they need to avoid. It is in that spirit that we issue this health warning:


There is no food or drink more dangerous for your childs teeth than soda. A child needs to avoid soda at all costs because it is full of sugar and incredibly acidic. When you look at various drinks, you need to compare their pH levels. Water is neutral, which means that it is entirely healthy for their teeth. Milk is also a good option. However, soda is closer to battery acid than water when it comes to pH levels. It is so acidic, that soda can unclog your drain. Now imagine what it is doing to your childrens teeth.

As children drink soda, the acid content is literally attacking their teeth and causing their enamel to erode. The erosion can lead to tooth sensitivity, making their teeth more susceptible to decay and breakage. If there is one thing you restrict in your childs diet, it should be all types of soda. There is a myth that clear sodas are okay where darker sodas are not. Both are bad for the teeth and children need to avoid them. The same is true for diet soda since it is only slightly better for the teeth than traditional soda. Switch to water and your childs teeth will thank you.


As your Miramar Beach childrens dentist, many of our warnings comes down to the acid levels in what patients eat or drink Sour candy is at the top of our “do not eat” list because it is full of sugar and is also acidic. Just like the acid in soda that can attack your childs teeth, the acid in candy can as well. In combination with sugar that naturally leads to increased plaque, sour candy can be a deadly combination for your childs teeth and lead to numerous cavities.

When you visit our Miramar Beach childrens dentist office, we can provide you with a list of foods and drinks to avoid. However, when grocery shopping, the one thing you can remember is to review food and drink in the light of how acidic it is. Anything high in acid content should be avoided, especially when combined with sugar. Instead, buy your children things like apples, nuts, single servings of cheese, and cut vegetables. These are snacks that will fill them up, provide sustained energy and essential nutrients – all while being good for their oral health.